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Tuition is due on the FIRST of the month.  Tuition is based on an average of four weeks per month.  Some months there will be five classes.  The fifth class will replace the short months due to holiday breaks.  Please see our closure schedule for the planned list of dates we will be closed.  Make-ups nor credits are offered for these specific weeks as all months even out.  


SoCo offers online autopay or in person payments by cash, check or credit card (Visa, Mastercard, Discover and American Express).  If you would like to set-up autopay, you may do so online through your parent portal, or you can call us at the front desk and we can help you over the phone.  *Please note that a $35 fee will be charged on any returned check.  



A 30 day written notice (e-mail is fine) is required to terminate billing.  Parents are responsible for payment whether or not your student attends a class until you notify the front desk in writing to drop your student from a class.  If a student attends classes within any given month, tuition is due for the entire month.  SoCo does not pro-rate for students who withdraw mid-month.   



All SoCo students pay a $35 annual registration (anniversary) fee.  This fee will renew annually. 


There will be a $10 late fee applied (per student enrolled) to any accounts which have not paid tuition by the 10th of each month.  Students will automatically be dropped from their class if accounts become two month past due. 


A $35 fee will be charged on any returned check. 



Gymnastics students - Girls should wear a one-piece leotard – no tights or anything on the feet.  Boys should wear comfortable clothing such as sweatpants or shorts and a t-shirt (bare feet). 

Tumbling students – Girls should wear a leotard or a T-shirt leggings/shorts and  – no tights or anything on the feet.  Clothing should be form fitting and not baggy.  Boys should wear comfortable clothing such as sweatpants or shorts and a t-shirt (bare feet). 


Ninja – T-shirt leggings/shorts and  – no tights or anything on the feet.  Clothing should be form fitting and not too baggy.


Cheer students -  Students should wear fitted T-Shirt and shorts.  Clean, dry sneakers should be worn for cheer practices. 


All clothing must be appropriate for children (appropriate referring to style, slogans and graphics). 


SoCo is not responsible for lost or stolen items.



Any parent that is curious as to what class their child should be in can request an evaluation.  Please call the front desk to set-up an evaluation.  All evaluations must be scheduled in advance and checked by the front desk. 



Information about your account will be released only to individuals who have been designated a “Parent or Guardian” on your account.     



To respect our parents in the program and protect the privacy of each athlete, we do not allow photos or videos to be taken of other athletes from the parent viewing area without written permission of the parent.  You are more than welcome to take photos/videos of your own child, but please do everything you can to only have your child in the photo/video.  Videoing athletes that are not your own can make our athletes and parents very uncomfortable.  We ask that you respect this policy as we are looking out for all of our athletes.  We want all athletes and parents to feel safe when they are in our facility.  


ANTIBIOTICS: Children must be on antibiotic for a full 24 hours before returning to class.
FEVER: Children must be fever free for 24 hours before returning to class.

LICE: Children may not return to class until they are free of lice and nits.




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